- Poor Sleep Habits Can Lead to Insulin Resistance
- Think Positive & Fight Depression, and
- Iced Green Tea For A Longer Life
In addition to my work I wanted as usual to highlight a few articles from these carnivals that I found particularly interesting and suggest to my readers take a look at them as well
- From Total Mind and Body Fitness I stumbled upon this post from FitJerk on Energy Bars & Protein Bars. In this post the author tries to dissect the various forms of bars based upon what their “purpose” is. Once you identify your purpose fro eating a bar then he gives guidance on what to look for to ensure you are eating something worthwhile rather than just a glorified candy bar. Check it out.
- From the Bumbling Newbies Carnival I found this post from Personal Web Guide on Food, Stress, and Anxiety. This was a very well written essay on how our food choices and diet affect our mood and mental health. It has been clearly shown that good attitudes, moods, and low stress levels have an over all positive affect on health and longevity and thus I appreciate this post which reminds us that our diet has a lot to do with our stress levels. I invite you to check this article out.
- Lastly from Ageless Sages’ Boomers and Seniors carnival, SandwichINK posted on the importance of Grab Bars in the Prevention of Falls. This is an important topic for those of us who are elderly or care for elderly family members or friends as most deaths by falls occur in our oldest generation. I’ve recently posted on the overall causes for death in the US and accidents (primarily falls) come it at number five on the list! In the future I plan on highlighting this issue in yet to be written posts but for now I’d encourage you to read this SandwichINK’s post as a primer for my series on accidents.