How to Lower Your LDL Cholesterol Level

LDL Cholesterol tip of the day courtesy of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association:

You can lower your LDL Cholesterol levels by roughly 16 percent if you eat a diet that contains large amounts of plant sterols. These are natural chemicals found in vegetable oils and nuts and can even be found in fortified foods such as orange juice and some spreads.

Just start your day every day with a bit of fortified orange juice and have a handful uf nuts in the afternoon and you’ll be doing pretty good so long as you stay away from the junk food that pushed your LDL levels too high in the first place.

Check out this recent post on the blog for more comprehensive ways to lower your LDL cholesterol levels.

Journal of the American Dietetic Association, Vol. 105

Leading Causes of Death

Heart Disease is easily the leading cause of death in America. One of the major contributors to heart disease is cholesterol. See the following posts for more on lowering your risk for heart disease:

How To Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally

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