As always I wanted to take a minute and send a shout out to a few posts from others that caught my attention this week. Some of these writers I never would have come across without participating in the carnivals (which I have referenced below). If you’ve got some spare time click through and give these writers for a spin. I thought they were worth my time.
Notable posts from my regular subscriptions:
- Your Nutritional Individuality and Unhealthy Emotions from Natural Bias
- Four Steps to a Longer Healthier Life from NutritionData Blog
- Longevity Tea from Healthy Fellow
Longevity in the news:
- Drinking the Savory Wine of Longevity – Washington Times
- Swallow Olive Leaves for longevity? – The Examiner
- 110 And Still Going Strong – The Shanghai Daily
Carnivals I participated in:
- Weight Management and Fitness Forum with my article The Easiest Way To Lose Weight: Sleep More
- Total Mind, Body, and Fitness Carnival with my article Life Expectancy and Mortality Rates: What's The Difference?
- The Web’s Best Health Articles with my article Why Black Tea And Milk Don’t Mix
- Baby Boomers Blog Carnival with my article How Can I Lower My Chances of Stroke?
- Economy and Your Finances with my article Healthcare Costs Of The Obese
Notable posts from the carnivals that I participated in this week:
- Experiment: Gerbus presents Antioxidants: What Are They? – This article describes exactly antioxidants are. It’s academic yet readable and very relevant considering everybody under the sun knows that antioxidants are good for you but nobody really knows what they are or what they do.
- Campaign For Real Health presents a dissertation on How to Choose Real Foods – I say dissertation because man, this is comprehensive. Charles lays it all out on what real foods are and which foods aren’t. It’s a great educational read and based on the findings of Weston Price.
- The Senior Walking Fitness Blog presents Walking For Weight Loss and A Longer Life – This post resonates with the goals I have for my life and the values I have on this blog. Age should not be an excuse for a sedentary lifestyle and walking is a perfectly acceptable way to stay healthy and add years to your life.