My Apologies

To my subscribing readers:

I wanted to send a brief apology to you this afternoon. Some of you may have noticed recent error messages from Google when trying to view the site or any of the site pages. I believe the RSS feed and the email subscriptions haven’t been affected but the site has. Like other web mediums this week attacks have been made and Google has shut down access to many sits while it trys to stem the problem. Once they have fixed vulnerabilities you should be able to access the site again.

The following is a quote from a Google Team member describing the process:
”Like Twitter and Facebook and other services this last week, Blogger is currently under a significant DDOS attack, and the 403 messages are a temporary prevention put in place to try to squash the attack.

We'll keep you posted. Thanks for understanding!

You can follow along with the progress of the issue here if you care. Thanks for understanding. -Brian

Leading Causes of Death

Heart Disease is easily the leading cause of death in America. One of the major contributors to heart disease is cholesterol. See the following posts for more on lowering your risk for heart disease:

How To Lower LDL Cholesterol Levels Naturally

Welcome to How To Live A Longer Life! This site focuses on human longevity and shows you how you can live longer by improving health and nutrition and by preventing disease. If you want to learn how to live longer then consider subscribing.