This study, which suggests that proper gum care can help lower pancreatic cancer risks, was conducted at the Harvard Medical School by a team of researchers led by Dominique S. Michaud and published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The study focused on a group of more than 51,000 men and concluded that the inflammation associated with gum disease helps to promote the growth of cancer cells.
Interestingly this study also mimics the findings of a UK study which linked the inflammation associated with gum disease and dementia. It seems your dentist is right; you should floss more often. If studies like these keep coming out I wouldn’t be surprised to start hearing doctors give out this little mantra as well.
Personal Note
I would also like to add one little bit of my personalPersonally speaking, I always seem to have minor inflammation in my tonsils. They’re never bad enough to warrant a trip to the doctor for tonsillitis but they always seem to be aggravated to some degree. I really should get them removed before I get too old. Some might argue that 29 is too old for tonsil removal but I think the pain is worth it in the long run. After all I look forward to experiencing another seven decades or so with no pain in my throat.
Another interesting thought is the anti-inflammatory diet which ranks food by their inflammatory effects on the body. I don’t know too much about this yet so I’ll save this thought for another time.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Jan. 2007