According the AHA American's consume approximately 22 teaspoons of sugar on average every day and should only be consuming 6-9 depending on gender. This equates to a reduction of 150-250 calories per day if American's were to simply lower their sugar intake. I have previously noted that a simple reduction in calories can lower systemic inflammation and that the best diet is simply eating less of everything. I have even noted that increases in sugar consumption is linked to some degree with Alzheimer's Disease. I think it's general knowledge that high calorie diets lead to obesity so I find this finding to be fairly straight forward, unbelievably, however, the sugar industry has denied the claims as illustrated in the following video segment from NBC Nightly News (air date: 8/25/09).
NBC Nightly News on Sugar
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For those that wish to peruse the official study as published in the journal Circulation (8/24/09), please enjoy.